Are you hopelessly stressed with
someone who's a little tough to read?
Do you not want to embarrass yourself
when you make a steady move? If you
want to know whether your crush likes
you back, these are the signs:
1. Body Language
We, as humans, say a lot with our
bodies- sometimes more than we
even say with our words. Body
language is an important factor in any
relationship; romantic or not. The way
your crush moves his body may be
telling you something this whole time!
Does she try to make eye contact
with you as much as possible? Does
she touch you a lot? Put his arm
around you? Do you catch him
glancing at you, just like you glance at
him? Even looking to see if he laughs
or smiles when you laugh or smile
may be the key to finding out whether
he likes you.
2. Compliments
It’s very unusual for someone who
doesn’t feel romantic about you to
give you  a lot  of compliments.
Especially if the compliments are
ones about your looks. Things like:
You’re beautiful, you have an amazing
smile, your laugh is cute, you have
stunning eyes, among others. Also, if
your crush tells you these things more
than once, that’s a good sign that she
really likes you back.
3. Getting personal
Does your crush ask you questions
about yourself? Does she pry for more
information about you, your family,
likes or dislikes? Does he talk about
his personal life, goals, family, past
relationships, secrets or something
else that you wouldn’t tell just
anyone? If he does, this may be a
great sign that he likes you and
probably she wants to let you in. This
means she trusts you, but also wants
to get to know more about you, too.
5. Communication
Does your crush make an effort to
contact you first by texting, calling or
even social network messaging you?
Does he reply to your messages
relatively briefly after you sent them?
Does he answer most of your calls or
call you back as soon as he can? If
so, it means he really has an interest
in you.  Girls won’t usually make the
effort to talk to someone who they
don’t really want to talk to.
6. Dates and Presents
A girl who gives you gifts, whether
extravagant or small, really cares for
you. She wants to impress you and
make you happy by giving you things
she thinks you’ll love. She obviously
loves seeing you happy and loves that
he’s the one doing it. If your crush
takes you out for ice cream, to a
movie, to dinner, to any event or place
multiple times, it may mean that she
wants to take you out on ‘dates’ and
take the relationship further soon
7. People
Whether people you know are telling
you that they think your crush likes
you back or you ask them for their
opinion, that is a sign that she truly
does like you. Third parties are better
at seeing the signs than you are
because they are not blinded by love.
They can see clearly what’s going on
and will be able to tell you the
absolute truth.
8. Hanging Out
If you find your crush wanting to be
around you a lot, asking you to hang
out more than often or offer to take you
places, they make like you. If she’s
doing these things then it usually
means she wants to be around you
and enjoys your company.
9. Exclusivity
Is she hanging out with other guys? Do
you find her talking to other guys,
going with them out to date-like
places, giving them gifts, etc? This
may mean she doesn’t like you as
much as you’d hope because she’s
not staying exclusive with you. If your
crush doesn’t seem to have any other
important guys in his life besides you
and pays attention to only you, it’s a
sign she may like you
10. He Tells You
Either she tells you or drops hints that
she likes you. That’s definitely a sure
as hay sign she likes you back. If she
says things pertaining to your
future together, how you would be a
good girlfriend, how

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