I picked my phone, plugged in the
earphones and dipped them in my
ears. I placed the book I was carrying
on the table and threw myself on the
bed. The bed complained due to the
force I used to jump on it. I pulled a
pillow and rested my head on it. I laid
on my back while facing the ceiling. It
was a hot afternoon. Had just came
from a calculus class. My head was
spinning due to the complex calculus
examples that the lecturer had solved
on that day. I hated mathematics
related units anyway. I needed
something sweet to cool my head. I
opted for Techno music mix. That is
all I needed for my mind to relax. I
closed my eyes and started shaking
my head slowly in response to the
tune. A feeling of relaxation filled me.
Suddenly, the music stopped and my
phone started vibrating. I had laid it on
my naked chest. It was a call. I
quickly opened my eyes and picked it.
I looked at the caller. It was a new
number. I picked it anyway.
“Hallo! Naongea na Tim?” A soft and
melodious voice ran into my ears. I
was confused. It was a strange voice
that I had never heard before. I stood
up and sat on my bed.
“Yah! Unaongea na Tim. Niambie.” I
responded in between loud breaths. I
was careful not to ask who the caller
was. I was not an angel and I knew I
might have given the lady my number
some day and she might have given
me hers too. I thought she would feel
offended if I asked who she was.
“Unajua unaongea na nani?” The lady
asked. I was confused on what to
answer. I tried hard to guess if I would
recognize the voice, but no idea came
into my mind. I scratched my head not
knowing what to say. I finally got a
way out.
“Not really. I lost my phone and
sikuwa na backup ya my contacts. Ni
nani pliz?” I cooked the response
“Acha vako. Ungesema tu hauna my
contacts coz it is the plain truth.” The
lady told me as she laughed.
“Ok, Ni nani pliz?” I asked while trying
to sound serious. In real sense, I was
a bit nervous. The way that girl talked
to me, her breath over the phone, her
canning laughter, really doubled the
intense heat I was already feeling.
“Utajua tu.” She told me simply.
“Niko chuo! But…” I answered quickly,
being careful not to lose that chance.
“Yaah. Najua uko chuo. Pia mimi niko
chuo. Nataka kujua ka uko class
au….” She said in a teasing tone.
“Niko room. Niko solo hata!”
“Aii, boss!” She laughed loudly. “Kuwa
mpole. Have only asked you place
uko. Not na nani! Anyway, uko busy?”
She kept laughing. I could clearly hear
her laughter. Laughter that made my
heart race even faster.
“No!” I answered quickly. “Siko busy.
Am just from the class.”
“Pao. Nina shida nataka unisave
kusolve. Can you?” She asked. This
time in a low tone. She sounded a bit
“Yah. Kama ni kitu naweza, I will
definitely help you!”
“Na kama huwezi?”
“Good. Si unafanya IT?” She asked in a
more serious tone.
“Yah. Ndo course ilinileta huku. Is
your problem IT related?” I also tried
to sound serious. I knew we were now
going in the business way, and in
business, one has to be serious.
“Yah. Ni comp yangu ina problem and
I thought you should fixed for me.”
“It is ok. Naezaicheki”
“Pao. Acha nikam nayo kwa room
yako..” She told me.
“Niko SD…”
“114 second last room. Naijua room
yako tayari.” She cut me short “See
you in few mins. “ She said as she
hanged up the phone.
For few second, I remained holding
my phone on my ear, hoping to hear
another word from her. It was true she
had hanged up. But the good news
was; she was coming in my room. I
quickly jumped from the bed and
started tidying up the room. The first
thing to do was to pick my roommates
shoes, wrap them in a black plastic
bag and pushed them under the bed.
The smell that they were releasing
was not pleasant for a lady
consumption. I straightened my bed
and tried to put everything in order. I
ran into my suitcase and removed my
Nivea deodorant and sprayed it in the
room. I quickly removed my hp laptop
and rushed to the best playlist, The
Greatest RNB of All Times. I played
the music and connect it to a
subwoofer .I made sure that it wasn’t
too loud. I went back into my suitcase
and came out with my best vest. It
was a white tight vest. I loved it
because whenever I was in it, I felt
like Schwarzenegger. It used to make
my chest seem to protrude. Something
I was proud of. It is true I have a
protruding chest but the vest used to
add some extra muscles. (Don’t ask
me how) I checked the side pocked of
my suitcase, where we used to hide
our weapons. The stock was intact. I
pulled one of the shields out and
looked at the expiry date, “Five years
to come!” I told myself. The Sure
condoms were really sure. I returned
it. I was now set to receive my strange
visitor. It had been long since a lady’s
voice was heard in my room. Betty
was the last lady to be in my room.
And when she left, she left with
finality. We had broken up. I know my
bed missed some stuffs. “But today,
you never know!” I told myself. “Even
God sent manna to Israelites!”
I went and sat on a plastic chair near
the door so that I could hear the first
knock. I did not want my visitor to
waste even a single second at the
door. I listened careful. Whenever I
heard some footsteps outside, my
heart boiled. I would feel warm saliva
in my mouth. I waited for one minute,
two minutes, three minutes, but the
visitor did not arrive. The first track
played and ended, the second one too
the third and the fourth, still no sign of
her. When I looked at my watch, I
noticed that I had waited for mor than
fifteen minutes. I started yawning.
That is when I realized that I had not
taken lunch. I picked my phone and
went direct to the call log. I pressed
the last number that had called me. I
was disappointed when I noticed that
the phone had been switched off. I
threw the phone on the table. “This
chic was playing with my mind!” I
thought. “Or is it Betty trying to test
me? To hell. Let me go and look for
something to eat!” I thought as I
picked my shirt.
I was almost leaving when I heard
some footsteps approaching the door
of my room. I quickly rushed and sat
on my bed. I removed my shirt and
placed it under the pillow. I sat facing
the door, anxiously waiting to hear the
knock. At last, what I was expecting
happened. I heard a knock on the door.
I did not wait for the second one.
Within a blink of an eye, I was at the
door. I looked at myself, I was perfect.
I straightened my vest and cleared my
“Yeees pliz” I said in a perfect voice
while pulling the door. A voice that
has never came back to me up to date.
I had faked a broad smile. A smile that
would show the warmest welcome
ever. I pulled the door slowly,
anxiously longing to see the perfect
lady who had called me.
Alas! My face changed suddenly. I
almost closed the door when my eyes
landed on two guys standing in front of
me. The broad smile that had
dominated my face was replaced by a
frown. I was not expecting any male
visitor. I felt like sending them away.
One guy was dark while the other was
chocolate. They both had well-built
bodies that made me feel small. I felt
as though I had grown thin at once.
The guys were also in dark vests. I
could see tattoos on their hands
between the biceps and triceps. They
were looking at me seriously. I also
looked at them for a while without
talking. I had never seen them before.
“Niaje wasee!” I finaly spoke.
“Naezawahelp aje!” I asked them.
The guys did not answer me
immediately. They looked at each
other. The dark guy stretched his
hand. I stretched mine too thinking
that he intended to shake my hand.
Instead, he pushed me back inside.
“Wewe ndo Tim?” He asked as they
followed me. I was surprised and
worried at the same time.
“Yah. Mimi ndo Tim” I answered
breathing heavily. “Kuna ngori?”
“Nataka tuongee.!” The dark guy told
me as the other one closed the door
behind him. “Can we!” He asked.
To be continued.

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